A child observes its mother right from the beginning and tries to imitate the activities. In the process of imitation, the child gains and grows in independence in elementary movements, care for environment, care for himself and social behaviour. The ultimate goal of the life skill is to help the child to consolidate, coordinate, and integrate the inner powers of will, intelligence and voluntary movements of the child.
The child gets introduced to language by listening and imitating the words, sounds and names. The child can explore through different activities to develop reading and writing activities in different languages too.
The skills required for reading and writing and oral language are developed through hands on experience using the Montessori language materials.
The integration of all the stimuli of the five sense organs are the gate ways to intelligence. The mind gathers the information and the senses help to classify, arrange in order, correlate, analyze, think, seggregate, grading, pairing and understand the variety of information gathered by the child. the child will become aware of the physical properties.
Arithmetic deals with numbers, all from 0 to 9. The close relation of human life is depicted through arithmetic signs , signals, symbols, shapes, structures, quantities, measurements and weights. The child finds the difference between less and more, small and big , single and several quantities through different learning materials.
Children learn to count , identify and match numerals to their quantity, relate decimal quantities and symbols and become aware of the functions of addition , subtraction, multiplication and division by using the Montessori materials
The culture curriculum incorporates a wide range of subjects, including: Geography , Botany, Zoology, Science, History, Music and Art. Through explorations of culture, children develop an understanding of their community and social responsibilities. The child experiences the knowledge of existing treasure of nature around them. The models and pictures of map cabinets, animal life cycles, land and water forms, Montessori materials transform knowledge in to experience.